I’m a bit of a gear head. I buy basses, synths, pedals, drum machines, etc… far too frequently. I’ll try to put photos of some stuff I have here on occasionally. Below is my current set up for those who may be interested (there is a 99% chance my pedalboard has changed since these photos were taken, or I’ve bought something else new, but I do my best to updated it when I can).

My Bass Gear:

1974 Fender Jazz

1974 Fender Jazz Bass

Nordy VJ5 Bass

Nordy VJ5 Bass

1978 Fender Mustang Bass

1978 Fender Mustang Bass

Bass Pedalboard

Origin Effects Cali76 Compact Bass Compressor > 3Leaf Audio Octabvre Mini > Dr. Scientist Bitquest  > Iron Ether Xerograph Deluxe (hooked up to Moog EP-3 for sweeps) > Dunlop DVP4 Volume X Mini > TC Electronics Polytune2 Mini > Darkglass Vintage Ultra > Noble Bass DI.

Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 & a pair of Bergantino AE210s

Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 & a pair of Bergantino AE210s

My Synth Gear:

Moog Sub Phatty

Moog Sub Phatty

Teenage Engineering OP-1

Teenage Engineering OP-1

Pocket Operators

Pictured: Teenage Engineering PO-12 Rhthym, PO-14 Sub. PO-16 Factory. PO-20 Arcade, and PO-24 Office. Not Pictured: Teenage engineering PO-28 Robot, PO-32 Tonic, PO-33 KO, and PO-35 Speak.

Synth Board

Elektron Digitakt > Elektron Digitone > Iron Ether Polytope > Montreal Assembly Count to 5 > Empress Effects Echosystem > Dr. Scientist Spectrum Analyzer (not pictured) > More coming soon…

Waldorf Blofeld

Waldorf Blofeld Synthesizer